
Do you have bulk Bills, Invoices, Sales Receipts or Orders to enter into QuickBooks Desktop, QuickBooks Online but don’t want to use the painfully slow interface that is provided by QuickBooks? Here is a simple rapid data entry tool that allows you to quickly post bulk transactions to QuickBooks.


  • Simple Excel file to enter Bills/Invoices/Sales Receipts and Purchase Orders.
  • Much quicker than hand entering bulk data directly into QuickBooks Online
  • Allow external employees to submit bills & receipts and approved by finance.
  • Super easy to use just fill in the Excel and click the “Post to QuickBooks” Button.

For more information, contact us!





    Tell us about why you would like to convert your files or describe what you're trying to do. We would like to help you in the best way possible.

    Optional: Send us a sample of your PDF/Excel or other file.