


With unprecedented flexibility, we have yet to find an original PDF document that we can’t decode and deliver the desired conversion successfully. Conversions are not limited to simply pulling data from a PDF and re-formatting.

Our conversion engine can recognize extremely complex documents including multiple pages, multiple separate documents in a PDF, extraneous pages, converting multiple PDFs into one output file and more.

Converting is not limited to simply delivering the exact fields from a document, we have a very sophisticated parsing engine that can be utilized in a template for a variety of parsing needs such as stripping extra characters from text, finding keywords on pages, truncation, summarizing, augmentation and any regular expression parsing. In addition, we have the capability of database lookups as well as adding static values to conversions.

Traditional EDI is quite an uphill battle for most companies.

Here are the main reasons why organizations need ChimpKey!

AS2 Hosting/AS2 as a Service

ChimpKey hosts your AS2 server, relieving you of the complexities of certificates, keys, hardware, software, and all of the other messy details associated with managing an AS2 server.

Following are some of the benefits of using ChimpKey





    Tell us about why you would like to convert your files or describe what you're trying to do. We would like to help you in the best way possible.

    Call us today and explore our pricing packages best fit your organization’s needs!